Dadashova R. The Solution Ways In Un Frame Of The Regional Conflicts Being In The South Caucasus: Recommendations And Proposals

Нацiональний педагогiчний унiверситет iменi М.П.Драгоманова, Гiлея Науковый вiсник, Випуск, Киiв 2012,64(№9) с.581-584

Ramila Dadashova 

Institute of philosophy, of sociology, and of Law of NAS Azerbaijan



It is one of urgent problems of the modern time put in order of the regional conflicts being in the South Caucasus. Because the norm of respect for the territorial integrity of states plays a fundamental role in international relations. According to UN  charter, Helsinki Final Act the international convention which served to save the humanity, each state must respect the territorial integrity of  other state. The principle the territorial integrity finds its reflect in the 4th item of the second article of UN charter: “All the members avoid to fight against the territorial integrity   and political development of any state in their international relations”.

 It is necessary to investigate the prevent historical roots for regulate of the international conflict and the results for to implement the  peacemaking.  A conflict is more inseparable than politics, therefore is necessary to understand its role, function, character of the condition of the arising.(6,p.93) Armenians have created the myth of "Great Armenia" in 70 B.C. on base occupation the Albania territory by Armenian tsar II  Tiqran. But historical sources prove that II Tiqran which were not should occupy the Albanian land, he  occupies the Atropaten, Northern Mesopotamia, Korduena, Syria, Adiabena, Phoenicia, Kilikia. But in 66 B.C. his state had declined by Lukull and Pompei. He had refused from all territories to the peace treaty according to in the year.

 Armenia began next aggression to Azerbaijan in 1988 putting in a claim for Nagorny Karabakh.   According to the adopted official documents “About  the unity of Armenia SSR and Nagorny Karabakh” on December 1,  in 1989, it can be  priced as a territorial integrity policy of other states by parliament. (4,p.129-130) In May of 1990 after the elections to Armenia Supreme Soviet in the territory of Azerbaijan against the law, Armenia Supreme Soviet came to a decision to recognize the deputies including the deputies elected from Nagorny Karabakh – part of Azerbaijan. This decision was signed by the parliament chairman Levon Ter-Petrosyan. (3, p.90) Supreme Soviet adopted the state program about the economical development of Armenia and Nagorny Karabakh.

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