E- library / Scientific papers

Samira Habibbayli. Attempts by Armenia and Related Groups to Disrupt Azerbaijan-Georgia Relations

Samira Habibbayli. “Attempts by Armenia and Related Groups to Disrupt Azerbaijan-Georgia Relations”, Review of Armenian Studies , no. 42 (2020): 123-149.

E- library / Scientific papers

Kelbizadeh E. Geopolitical and Regional Analysis of the Armenia-Iran Relations in 1998-2008

Kelbizadeh E. Geopolitical and Regional Analysis of the Armenia-Iran Relations in 1998-2008 // REVISTA INCLUSIONES. Volumen 7 / Número Especial / Julio – Septiembre 2020 pp. 424-439

E- library / Scientific papers

Feyziyeva Gunay Mahaddin. Energy security and Azerbaian

Feyziyeva Gunay Mahaddin. Energy security and Azerbaian // Papers presented to the IInd Forum of Social Sciences, Astana, 2017, p. 861-869

Scientific papers


Shahnaz Tagiyeva The Institute of Caucasus Studies of ANAS North Caucasus department Junior researcher INDUSTRIAL AND TERRITORIAL POTENTIAL OF THE NORTH CAUCASUS From a geostrategic standpoint, the North Caucasus is a gateway to Central Asia, in connection with which, it is a trade transit for

Scientific papers

Dadashova Ramila. Women in Armed Conflicts and Importance of Women’ Participation in Resolving of Conflicts

Women in Armed Conflicts and Importance of Women’Participation in Resolving of Conflicts // Program ve Bildiri Özetleri Kitabı. Uluslararası Kadın ve Adalet Zirvesi. İstanbul, 25-26 Kasım 2016, s.167-168 Dadashova Ramila Bahlul - the Institute of Caucasian Studies of Azerbaijan National Academy of