Accounting Department

Chief Accountant: Atraba Abbasova

Atraba Bilal Abbasova in 1990 entered the Faculty of State Budget of the Baku Financial and Credit Technical School named after Tagiyev on the specialty of accountant-financier, from which she graduated in 1993. After graduating from the technical school, she worked as an accountant in the Terter Production and Economic Association, and in 1995 as a chief accountant in the small state enterprise “Radtex " at the Department of Radiation Research of Anas. In 2006, she was a laboratory assistant at the Sabunchi Concrete Products Plant of JSC "Yoltikinti Service", and from April 13, 2007 to July 17, 2016-an accountant at the Institute of Petrochemical Processes of ANAS. Since July 21, 2016, she has held the position of Chief Accountant at the Institute of the Caucasus Studies.

Accountant:  Rahima Haziyeva

Haziyeva Rahima Rahman was born on January 10, 1996 in the city of Sumgayit. In 2013-2017 she graduated from the Azerbaijan State Economic University with a degree in Expertise and Marketing of Consumer Goods. She is currently studying for an MBA Master's degree in Finance from Azerbaijan State Economic University. Since June 1, 2018 she has been working as an accountant at the Institute of Caucasian Studies of ANAS.