The general director of the Institute of the Caucasus Studies at the international symposium

The general director of the Institute of the Caucasus Studies of ANAS, corresponding member of ANAS, professor Musa Gasımlı took part in the international symposium dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Lausanne Peace Conference in Ankara on July 17-18, organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Türkiye, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Supreme Council for Culture, Language, History of Atatürk , the Atatürk Research Centre and Turkish Historical Society. The scientist reported on "G. Chicherin's meeting with Armenian representatives in Lausanne: The objectives and results of the activities of the Soviet state (based on G. Chicherin's letters and official documents)". An interesting discussion took place at the panel meeting with the participation of scientists and Turkish diplomats from Türkiye, Great Britain, Germany, France, Georgia.

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