The works of an employee of the Institute of Caucasian Studies were published in journals that are included in scientific bases with a high index

An article by Elnur Kalbizadeh, Head of the Department of Caucasian Politics at the Institute of Caucasian Studies  of ANAS, PhD in History, was published in the “Revista Inclusiones” journal, which is published in Chile and is included in the “Web of Science” database.
An article entitled "Geopolitical and Regional Analysis of the Armenian-Iranian Relations in 1998-2008." was published in the 7th issue of the magazine for July-September 2020. The introduction to the article tells about the occupation by Armenia during the reign of Levon Ter-Petrosyan of the Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan and the adjacent 7 regions and about the threat this occupation poses to the security of not only these two states, but all countries of the region. including Iran. The article analyzes the main directions of the Armenian-Iranian relations in 1998-2008. and the essence of the agreements signed between the two states.
Along with the Web of Science database, the journal in which the article was published is included in the databases of 38 scientific organizations and universities, among which such leading universities of the world as Princeton, Stanford, Wroclaw universities, etc. should be noted.
Another article by the scientist was published in Vienna, in the May-June 2020 issue of the Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (No. 5-6), which is included in the Index Copernicus database and has a global impact factor.
The article titled "The Armenian policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran after 1991: geopolitical preconditions and realities" stage by stage analyzes the main features of relations between the two countries. In the final part of the article, such issues as the position of the current Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan in relation to the interests of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the region, the futility of some projects proposed for these two countries, and their alternatives for Iran were touched upon.
Note that the young researcher is currently working on a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Political Sciences under supervision of corresponding member of ANAS Musa Gasimli.

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